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Japanese crossword «Vincent»

Size: 27x37Picture:6/10Difficulty:5/10Added:25.04.18Author: OmniDex

Alyaa (26 April 2018, 13:01) complain
Oh! one of my favorite character 8D Took a while to get who it was but now that I solved it, I realize how recognizable he is! Thanks for this great puzzle!
Hexdoll (27 April 2018, 2:03) complain
Started at the top and guessed who it was by the first 7 lines.
greedy (28 April 2018, 23:48) complain
Love it :) very colorful and nice pic!
Slayn_Bennett (19 June 2018, 6:16) complain
Wonderful! I was so happy to solve it! <3 Favorite!
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