Japanese crossword #18280
Size: 35x25 | Picture:![]() | Difficulty:![]() | Added: | 25.04.18 | Author: PolN0vik |
Colours:1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
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Rebus is a puzzle consisting of pictures.
The word "rebus" comes from the Latin res (thing) and denotes representation of names, words and phrases by a images, figures, composition of letters, etc. This word came from the Latin phrase "Non verbis sed rebus", which means "Without words, but with the help of things".
The pictures in the crossword:
1. The letter «w» in the letter «D».
2. The image of an owl and comma to the right of it.
The solution of the rebus:
1. «w» in «D» is WIND.
2. The word "owl" without the last letter (comma to the right of the figure requires to remove one letter) gives us OW.
The answer to the rebus:
The word "rebus" comes from the Latin res (thing) and denotes representation of names, words and phrases by a images, figures, composition of letters, etc. This word came from the Latin phrase "Non verbis sed rebus", which means "Without words, but with the help of things".
The pictures in the crossword:
1. The letter «w» in the letter «D».
2. The image of an owl and comma to the right of it.
The solution of the rebus:
1. «w» in «D» is WIND.
2. The word "owl" without the last letter (comma to the right of the figure requires to remove one letter) gives us OW.
The answer to the rebus:
show: 2 🗨
Had you not explained the dropping of the L, I'd have not understood - didn't catch that little detail.
Enjoyable to do
Waow! As an non-native, I wouldn't have found the solution, but I love the idea of enigmas in the puzzles! That's very original and very clever :D I hope they're will be more of them and that I would eventually get to the solution on my own XD Thank you so much for the fun, PolNOvik!!
show: 1 🗨
Watch spoilers from the first comment!
ok I did not know there was something written in the spoilers... thank you and congratulations
Nunca es tarde para aprender. Hoy aprendi que ese tipo de acertijo se llama rebus, y de
paso el uso de los spoilers, :-). Gracias
paso el uso de los spoilers, :-). Gracias
So happy to see rebus puzzles on this site! My favorite!
This one is tough to solve, but so clever. Thank you for giving us the solution. I was a little lost. Awesome!
This one is tough to solve, but so clever. Thank you for giving us the solution. I was a little lost. Awesome!
Intricate - didn't get it without the help. (mark by the owl is an apostrophe, not a comma, but that usually represents a missing letter, not an extra one to be removed)
Fun. I got the "Wind" but not the "ow" as I didn't know that a comma (or an apostroph) meant removal of a letter. Is that a convention ?
Love love love!!! More please please please :) English is a treat, but other languages also fun to try. Thanks :)