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Japanese crossword «Scarab Beetle»

Size: 75x55Picture:9/10Difficulty:7/10Added:23.04.18Author: jake_gardner

Guest: Jobra (24 April 2018, 17:18) complain
Very nice and beautiful colors!
Guest: Christine (26 April 2018, 21:49) complain
The fact that you all of a sudden have to start thinking about what you're doing at the end is a surprise, but not unwelcome.
daphne (29 April 2018, 4:48) complain
I love not knowing what I'm making. Very nice.
Otelia_Dean (2 May 2018, 0:48) complain
Lovely colours. Interesting to complete. Thanks.
Headrock (17 October 2018, 16:09) complain
Haha I started from the top and was sure this was going to be a T-Rex head. I only realized what it was after 80% of the puzzle was done. Great work!
alaskauk (14 February 2024, 18:40) complain
The front legs under the head were very difficult to finish.
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