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Japanese crossword «Minion»

Size: 34x42Picture:8/10Difficulty:5/10Added:09.04.18Author: LYUDMILA

Epus (3 August 2018, 11:55) complain
I looooooove him! <3 Perfect, thank you!
gGusano (12 May 2020, 18:57) complain
jaja, kept me with a smile til the end.
Ageleni (5 May 2024, 1:43) complain
I used to work as a costumed mascot, and once did an event with these characters. My costume just happened to be this one, and it was fitting because he has heterochromia (two different colored eyes) and so do I. Bob has brown and green, while I have yellow-green and blue-gray.
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