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Japanese crossword «An appetizing carrot»

Size: 40x45Picture:9/10Difficulty:7/10Added:12.03.18Author: PolN0vik

Sheryl_Hill (15 March 2018, 3:14) complain
I really love this picture, Poinovik! I am not sure I can actually solve it because of its size, but I love the uncluttered design, how CUTE it is, and the colors! What fun!
show: 1 🗨
Risus_Khan (28 May 2018, 16:29) complain
Actually it's solvable when +%125 zoom on Google Chrome
sallyg (15 March 2018, 7:30) complain
Wonderful, imaginative, cute as can be - this is a wonderful puzzle! And yes, I had to do a lot of scrolling because of the size, but it was worth it. Really fun -- thank you!
zarizia (19 March 2018, 18:33) complain
Really nice picture but 4 stars difficulty is very exagerate. Very funny anyway
Guest: mogada (18 November 2018, 3:10) complain
Wonderful! Full of motion and emotion. Terrific!
pinkcowprint (18 March 2020, 7:44) complain
ugh, your mind! what a wonderful puzzle. you always manage to add so much detail while maintaining simplicity. i also love the colors, especially in the rabbit's fur. well done!!!
spyygla (4 June 2020, 17:09) complain
Quite challenging and very interesting to solve. Recommend ;)
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