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Japanese crossword «Not a stone»

Size: 32x32Picture:6/10Difficulty:4/10Added:10.03.18Author: Charl

Guest: marime (12 March 2018, 15:00) complain
what is it ? space shuttle ?
miles3659 (12 March 2018, 18:34) complain
Exactly ... what does that title mean?
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Sheryl_Hill (14 March 2018, 2:17) complain
I messed up on this one, but have it on good authority that my comment that starts with "Aah-ha!" is on the right track.
Sheryl_Hill (13 March 2018, 0:49) complain
Charl always says he likes people to find their own meaning in interaction with his work. "Not a stone" reminds me of Simon and Garfunkel "I am a rock, I am an island." This is a riff off a poem written by John Donne in 1624:
'No Man is an Island'
No man is an island entire of itself; every man
is a piece of the continent, a part of the main;
if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe
is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as
well as any manner of thy friends or of thine
own were; any man's death diminishes me,
because I am involved in mankind.
And therefore never send to know for whom
the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
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Sheryl_Hill (13 March 2018, 0:49) complain
Now it's your turn...
Sheryl_Hill (13 March 2018, 11:15) complain
Aah-ha! This makes more sense:
"She was (not like the other girls)
(I was) born under a stone
(We were) born with a single voice
She was born in a UFO
Born in a UFO"
"There’s no direction home she pleads
She cornered me against the trees
I was home I thought, my life could start"
Lyrics from Born in UFO by David Bowie
swford (22 March 2018, 23:24) complain
Wow! Sheryl Hill, you sure put a lot of effort into that! I'm impressed.
Issy (22 September 2018, 7:59) complain
I really love these puzzles that make you think, and when you're not sure of the outcome it makes it even better. This puzzle takes it a step further and invites you to decide what it is!
babsiep (4 February 2024, 0:50) complain
You're really good at creating depth!
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