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Japanese crossword «Catch»

Size: 37x40Picture:7/10Difficulty:6/10Added:19.02.18Author: Vigil

Sheryl_Hill (20 February 2018, 2:50) complain
Awesome!! I had a conflict of two rules: I never do crosswords that are this big and I never miss Vigil's crosswords. It turned out that I didn't have to do much scrolling to do the crossword, which isn't tricky until the top part at the end. And what a picture out of the imagination of one of our most exciting artists! Wow!
Guest: ddd (23 February 2018, 6:15) complain
Guest: David King (28 February 2018, 0:50) complain
Another amazing puzzle by Vigil. Like Sheryl, I don't normally do big puzzles, but took this on because it's by Vigil, who is always original. Spassibo!
Cathrine (28 February 2018, 21:24) complain
Oh I remember this fairytale! What is the name again?
Cathrine (28 February 2018, 21:29) complain
I think the one I'm thinking of is called "The Fisherman and his Wife" (though that's a direct translation" from the Grimm brothers' collections.
Author Vigil (1 March 2018, 5:56) complain
Yes, Cathrine. It is on idea also by Pushkin's verses "The tale of the fisherman and a small fish" on a plot of brothers Grimm. In it instead a flounder a goldfish.
But it is rather also the Russian fairy tale "The King's daughter-frog". I wanted to tell that it is not necessary to hurry to draw conclusions, follows in the beginning though a little to look narrowly at details. Somehow so.
Author Vigil (1 March 2018, 9:48) complain
As it is interesting to learn something! It appears, brothers Grimm for this used fairy tale Philipp Otto Runge, artist, pereabotavshy folk fairy tales
Author Vigil (1 March 2018, 9:50) complain
sorry. pereabotavshy - processed
Maluca (1 March 2018, 23:49) complain
Agree with Sheryl and David. Same is my feeling. We learn a lot. We learn the meaning of bolshoe spasibo. Ok?
name (2 March 2018, 1:16) complain
I'm still lost - I thought it was a yellow birdie with a crown on the head of a moose, no cow. Then I thought fire-breathing dragon. Even after getting the title, I can imagine a hook, but I can't make heads or tails of the fish.
Author Vigil (2 March 2018, 4:57) complain
Maluca, bolshoe spasibo - that's cool!
Author Vigil (2 March 2018, 5:05) complain
name, this is a goldfish. It in a ripped boot. She looks in the right top corner.
Behind tongue of a boot fins are visible. In a hole the body is visible. And from the torn-off sole her tail is visible.
I am sorry that the boot so badly turned out :( As cow or dragon
Carol_Dorry (12 March 2018, 0:36) complain
Beautiful nano. I had to do this when I saw the artist. Never a disappointment no matter the size.
show: 1 🗨
Author Vigil (12 March 2018, 12:20) complain
Carol, I appreciate it. When I did not draw yet but only I solved puzzles, swam in small, well as at most in averages.
sine (27 October 2021, 10:20) complain
Beautiful, creative image! Great form on the shoe, I love the cute little fish!
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