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Japanese crossword «Mario»

Size: 42x49Picture:8/10Difficulty:6/10Added:18.02.18Author: Link

Mr_Tracy_A_Batchelor (19 February 2018, 3:49) complain
is very hard to tell the difference between red 3 and red 4
show: 2 🗨
Author Link (16 March 2018, 20:30) complain
I know, sorry. I tried to fix it but I have no idea how to. :(
show: 1 🗨
Author Link (16 March 2018, 20:31) complain
I tried submitting another but it just flagged it as a duplicate.
Guest: Lizzy (21 February 2018, 18:59) complain
This was great. I have been doing these for a long time and waited for someone to do a great one of this. You did great.
Sheryl_Hill (24 February 2018, 3:18) complain
I'm glad you made that comment, Lizzy. I am very ignorant about pop culture and you just expanded my mind. : )
Author Link (18 May 2018, 0:40) complain
This is the worst crossword. It was a joke.
Black_fog (14 July 2019, 14:48) complain
color number 1 is too birght when compared to white background. And I have tried both max and min light level on my pc, and all in between
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