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Japanese crossword «Red and black»

Size: 20x11Picture:7/10Difficulty:4/10Added:18.02.18Author: Vigil

nonolearner (19 February 2018, 0:56) complain
bull fight. not nice.
Pooty (19 February 2018, 1:59) complain
Really like this one. It's very charming :)
TheDarkoko (19 February 2018, 3:02) complain
That's a weird looking opossum.
Sheryl_Hill (19 February 2018, 7:01) complain
We have had some interesting two and three-color nonograms lately. I like the experimentation. There is no bullfighter in this picture. As far as I can see, the bull "fighter" only has a red cape. No weapon. Perhaps a pacifist version. ;) Also, remember, this an international site. If I'm not mistaken, this is a Russian artist depicting a scene from another culture.
Sheryl_Hill (19 February 2018, 7:02) complain
Sorry--I meant to erase the sentence "there is no bullfighter..."
Author Vigil (19 February 2018, 7:13) complain
eric, it agrees. Itself I hate similar spectacle. But these colors...
Corpore (19 February 2018, 9:04) complain
Alyaa (19 February 2018, 20:18) complain
Despite of what we think of this specific occupation/activity, the picture itself is very good as far as it's quite easy to recognize the subject. And the solving part is enjoyable :) Thanks Vigil!
skarabee (20 February 2018, 0:20) complain
de loin, on dirait un taureau et un toréador avec une cape rouge... si c'est ça, bravo !!
saggi (20 February 2018, 3:16) complain
eric is right, not nice.
Sdawg_Colorado (20 February 2018, 6:45) complain
It's a puzzle !!! I don't understand the inconsideration of give the answer away ... I would like to have not known before I started it. Rude !!!
Guest: bri (20 February 2018, 11:15) complain
not bad
swford (21 February 2018, 23:13) complain
Sandra, I wait to read the comments after I solve the puzzles.
I was on another site where players post:

Then leave several spaces before they give it away. Easy to avoid those.
Jenn (22 February 2018, 7:18) complain
swford- I don't scroll down and read the comments, either. But Eric's is the top one and the top one shows on the screen without scrolling down.
Eric- these are pixels, they ain't hurting' anybody!
Vigil- This was one was fun! :)
David_King (22 February 2018, 9:04) complain
Not a pleasant activity, but a superb picture. I love the hat!
Sheryl_Hill (22 February 2018, 21:10) complain
Thank you for pointing that out, Jenn! I stuck with the old format for that and other reasons. It would be good to remind people now and then as many of us are still on the old format. I will share with you that Vigil was confused by this conversation. They don't have bull-fighting in Russia, but it's a favorite for costume parties. He wondered whether we allowed the toreador song from Bizet's opera to be sung. I try to imagine what it would be like to live in a country that has experienced what the people of Russia have experienced and encounter some of the things that we criticize each other for in the non-Russian-speaking world (I'm not even sure I can allude to the Russian issues more directly without being censored). We can learn a lot by asking what an image means in the artist's context.
Alyaa (23 February 2018, 18:33) complain
So true! When you watch a piece of art through the eye of an artist, the feeling and the way you see it can suddenly be completely different :)
And I agree with Jenn too! I play with the 'mini' design and even if I don't read comments before I start, I can see the first lines on my screen when solving small puzzles. Sometimes they spoil me despite myself. The warning that swford described could be a great remedy :) (or even no spoil at all, of course!)
Rakella (24 February 2018, 0:39) complain
Buen puzzle, pero lo que representa es absolutamente despreciable y terrible. Soy española. Me avergüenzo profundamente de que en este país, que se considera avanzado, se sigan torturando animales y se considere una fiesta. Muchos, como yo, seguimos intentando acabar con ello... y espero que lo consigamos pronto.
sallyg (24 February 2018, 12:21) complain
Superb! This was a wonderful puzzle to work - relatively simple to work, but a picture that only becomes clear at the end, and is so imaginatively done that it still takes a second to understand. Wonderful job - I hope you do a lot more! (Oh, and some may see that red part as a cape...or you COULD see that as the, um, aftermath of the encounter.)
nonolearner (1 March 2018, 13:44) complain
for those who considered my opinion a spoiler - tough. i was shocked and appalled when i saw the image that i had completed. this is a section to give our opinion about the crossword. apparently some people can see these comments without having to scroll down. this is not the case with my setup, i do not know what other people see, only what i see. for those that think its only pixels , that is untrue. it is a picture which represents a dispicable action. these are only letters jumbled together to make words, but they still can have power for good or bad or fun or anger.
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Alyaa (10 March 2018, 13:45) complain
You're right, but if we think like this, so there is a lot of famous painting that we shouldn't study or even watch :) This image has the merit of making people talk together and share opinions. Plus, I think we all agree on the fact that this activity is revolting. No doubt that Vigil wasn't making an apology for it at all ;)
cheers (9 June 2022, 23:23) complain
Dude, look a little closer. It's a cape. Relax a little. I think everyone here agrees that bull fighting is cruel... But if you cannot distinguish a heavily pixelated puzzle from the actual world you really need to put your phone/computer down for a bit. Srsly.
name (2 March 2018, 1:34) complain
really elegant minimalist use of colour and the least pixels needed to carry it off - bravo!
Greer (4 March 2018, 20:47) complain
Well done, enjoyable puzzle
Risus_Khan (1 May 2018, 13:36) complain
Not liked!
GulfCoastGuppy (13 December 2018, 1:12) complain
Loved the puzzle. Just enough detail to easily identify it.
michis_daughter (25 December 2018, 17:26) complain
Didn't guess until the end what it was!
Sarei (11 February 2019, 0:18) complain
Indeed it should end in reality, but the picture beautiful and the puzzle nice to make!
The-Nono-Gram (16 April 2019, 3:11) complain
Very well done. Thank you!
Celandine (20 August 2020, 15:57) complain
I thought the red thing was a dog in a coat
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Fulminis (2 February 2022, 22:42) complain
I thought it was a cat in a cape!
Anaderol (24 September 2022, 21:20) complain
Enjoyed this - good image. Thank you.
Sandrabulando (24 October 2022, 5:03) complain
I don’t like the activity, but I find the result of this nonogram visually amazing.
jackabee (30 July 2024, 21:12) complain
I thought the image in the lower right was a dog wearing a red coat. Well designed and fun to solve.
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