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Japanese crossword «Girl»

Size: 25x40Picture:6/10Difficulty:5/10Added:16.02.18Author: Puss_In_Boots

swford (24 June 2018, 20:43) complain
Sorry. I'm not seeing it. Very abstract.
show: 3 🗨
swford (24 June 2018, 20:45) complain
The thumbnail is much better. Check it out after you solve the puzzle.
Thanks, Puss_In_Boots.
Stephanie_Cummings (14 January 2019, 9:40) complain
I can kind of see it. The reds and orange are her hair. The peaches are her skin. The light green and yellow are her dress. She has her back facing us, and the wind is blowing her dress and hair to the left
show: 1 🗨
hotmailjen (12 January 2020, 14:05) complain
I think she is facing us with the green being her eyes.
BhaaL (12 September 2021, 0:04) complain
I'd say thats Asuka from Neon Genesis Evangelion, pointing at Shinji after she arrives in Japan.
Ageleni (25 December 2024, 0:04) complain
Where are the arms?
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