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Japanese crossword «When the girl and guitar...»

Size: 40x50Picture:9/10Difficulty:8/10Added:13.02.18Author: Charl

Sheryl_Hill (21 February 2018, 3:37) complain
Beautiful! Love it!
Sheryl_Hill (13 March 2018, 10:47) complain
Charl says the title is inspired by lyrics from Set the World on Fire by Bowie.
'Kennedy would kill for the lines that you’ve written
Van Ronk says to Bobby "she’s the next real thing"
Crouched in the half light, screaming like a banshee
You’re in the boat babe, we're in the water
You say too much"
Al-e (28 July 2019, 15:03) complain
Great picture. Thank you
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