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Japanese crossword «Cheerful monkey»

Size: 34x49Picture:9/10Difficulty:5/10Added:06.02.18Author: LYUDMILA

Nixie (17 April 2018, 0:03) complain
It's Boots! Thought it was a frog until I got further along, but then it became clear. Awesome job, it looks just like him
sallyg (20 January 2019, 12:28) complain
Such fun! Love this design and this character!
Stephanie_Cummings (16 July 2019, 19:45) complain
omg I solved the middle third and realized what it was, and it made me so happy!
Kira_M (24 November 2019, 20:42) complain
Cute, great imitation to a character!
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