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Japanese crossword «Pizza pepperoni with olives and garlic sauce»

Size: 29x24Picture:7/10Difficulty:7/10Added:29.01.18Author: pozeczkowa

Sheryl_Hill (30 January 2018, 2:45) complain
Congratulations on your first nonograms! Let's celebrate! Hip, hip, hooray! Thank you for your great work!
Luiz (30 January 2018, 2:54) complain
I had to blow my mind to do it
romulusnr (30 January 2018, 10:31) complain
Had to go well outside my comfort zone here.
Sheryl_Hill (30 January 2018, 19:48) complain
Oh, wow! Martina, you made a challenging color nonogram! I love, love, love it! Normally I just work in black and white, so I completed one of your puzzles and welcomed you on the others. I'm so glad I came back and did this one. One of the difficult things about a puzzle like this is knowing where to start. Sometimes artists will put in one square of a different color or a darker/lighter color to provide a starting point for a difficult puzzle. I can't imagine *how* difficult this would have been if I hadn't seen the thumbnail (oops!). Oh, please more tough ones!! I live to have a bent mind! ;)
Sheryl_Hill (30 January 2018, 20:41) complain
I found it was Luiz who explained about the starter square. I bow to his greater expertise. ;)
miles3659 (31 January 2018, 0:05) complain
How do they set the difficulty mark? This was much tougher than 2.5 stars!
Cathrine (2 February 2018, 2:10) complain
Oh wow! I did not guess what this was until I was done! Excellent :D
Jose_Duran_Granados (2 February 2018, 10:14) complain
Corpore (2 February 2018, 13:10) complain
Very good
Maluca (4 February 2018, 4:50) complain
garlic sauce? really you can smell it?
Maluca (4 February 2018, 4:51) complain
can you?
Guest: meow (5 February 2018, 19:13) complain
Surprisingly tough for such a small puzzle. Well done, and thanks.
Janet (10 February 2018, 7:07) complain
Very nice & trickier than I thought it would be - thank you :))
swford (12 February 2018, 22:17) complain
Wow! I'm exhausted! I solved the brown area, but got stuck on the rest. I had to guess a couple of squares and finally solved it.
I need a nap!
Alyaa (29 April 2018, 0:21) complain
Woaw, I got stuck for so long before I find out how to go on! Great job, it was awesomely enjoyable to solve! Thanks :D
hotmailjen (6 May 2018, 10:17) complain
Karal_Daskin (30 April 2020, 11:05) complain
I did a 3.5. yay! very nice
miaow (9 October 2021, 17:03) complain
Good one thanks. Quite tricky.
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