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Japanese crossword «Dexter»

Size: 29x37Picture:6/10Difficulty:5/10Added:03.08.17Author: tndecker

swford (5 August 2017, 23:12) complain
Kind of messy but recognizable.
Guest: PuzzleSolver (2 September 2017, 7:01) complain
FellHarbor (12 October 2017, 20:53) complain
As someone mentioned on a different puzzle, some of Taylor's pictures look like degraded versions of pre-existing images. I don't see that as necessarily a bad thing, but at least clean up the puzzle before submitting it. There's a black square missing from up on his glasses, for goodness sake. And his mouth is scary. lol Don't give up making puzzles, but definitely preview and fix issues before sharing, please.
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