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Japanese crossword «Apple»

Size: 19x23Picture:8/10Difficulty:5/10Added:03.07.17Author: Katerina_K

Corpore (7 July 2017, 10:26) complain
Very good
acharles (13 July 2017, 6:09) complain
I thought it was a cherry, even when it was finished. Pretty, but it doesn't say "apple" to me.
show: 1 🗨
Celandine (9 October 2024, 18:45) complain
No, I thought it was a turnip. I've never seen a magenta apple. OTOH, I've never seen a turnip with a brown woody stem.
swford (17 July 2017, 0:07) complain
Nice challenge. Looks like a plum.
silia (4 August 2017, 20:23) complain
Challenging! Very nice!
Sheryl_Hill (11 November 2017, 21:13) complain
It's an artistic expression of an apple and I am grateful because I love the colors! For anyone who has difficulty differentiating among colors, changing browsers can help.
Christiana_Bradshaw (10 February 2018, 7:38) complain
The colors made me think turnip. Good picture.
ibini (18 August 2020, 0:51) complain
I agree, doesn't look like an apple, more like a cherry or a beetroot...
nevertheless nice challenge
babsghia (5 January 2021, 0:50) complain
nice design, good shading. thanks
brumeux77 (3 September 2022, 18:29) complain
To me the leaves looked like beet leaves (and why I think I would recognize beet leaves I couldn't say), but the colors were too bright and cheerful. Nothing about beets is cheerful. Yuckaroni.
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