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Japanese crossword «Bonsai»

Size: 15x18Picture:8/10Difficulty:5/10Added:03.07.17Author: Heinakuu

nonolearner (5 July 2017, 16:30) complain
we need a filter , like the one for the 18+ puzzles, to filter out the juvenile cartoons and overly simple puzzles
sorry Kuu, this isnt aimed at just you. there are lots like that
show: 3 🗨
Guest: klind (8 June 2018, 9:45) complain
I just filter out yours: if it says Eric, I know I don't want to do it.
Imda (24 June 2018, 16:52) complain
There are 'difficulty' star ratings for a reason. Choose puzzles with higher star ratings and you will find more of a challenge. Perhaps the feature wasn't in place when you left this comment? You could also choose larger puzzles, which are usually more difficult.
3strikesurout (17 October 2022, 6:25) complain
Overly simple? This took me 15:00 to complete! Not easy for a puzzle this size!
swford (6 July 2017, 2:40) complain
Very creative for a small puzzle!
Corpore (7 July 2017, 11:42) complain
Palouday (8 July 2017, 8:18) complain
The shadow is a nice touch. Well done Kuu.
FellHarbor (17 July 2017, 22:13) complain
Very nice! Like the colors. Eric: you can sort of weed out the more simplistic ones by moving up in puzzle size. Just given the small puzzle dimensions, these will be "easier" (depending on your skill level). The larger the puzzle, the more challenge. Maybe start with a sort for Medium +. You don't have to comment on every small/simple puzzle with the humble brag that it's too easy or for children... just sayin'.
show: 1 🗨
Sarei (21 February 2019, 15:30) complain
I agree with you! No sense insulting, others love this puzzles!
Ahahanita (21 July 2017, 1:48) complain
Nice! These small puzzles help me to put my mind at rest. Thank you!
Taarna (2 August 2017, 8:16) complain
I liked this one. Very relaxing to do and cute result.
sallyg (5 August 2017, 20:40) complain
Simple but good design - I also like the shadow. And the easy ones like these are perfect for those with just a bit of play time.
CindyLou (7 September 2017, 19:12) complain
had no idea what it was until almost done - love the surprise!
Guest: Ani (14 September 2017, 22:33) complain
I guessed outcome pretty early, and it's not juvenile
Emery (20 September 2017, 20:22) complain
I don't find this one juvenile. I think it's a very peaceful picture.
Sheryl_Hill (19 November 2017, 3:31) complain
It is very beautiful, especially for a small puzzle, Kuu! Это очень красиво, особенно для маленькой головоломки, Куу!
skarabee (1 December 2017, 1:22) complain
très original, bravo
Sylfa (12 December 2017, 20:45) complain
The highlight of the pot doesn't line up with the shadow of the pot, other than that well done.
David_King (24 February 2018, 6:57) complain
Another simple but beautiful puzzle. I agree with FellHarbor. Thank you again, Kuu!
Guest: klind (8 June 2018, 9:53) complain
Very nice!
Imda (24 June 2018, 16:55) complain
Beautiful. I like the 'simple' puzzles because I like to set myself challenges with them - such as completing only one colour at a time, or avoiding crossing out squares, and so on. Let's not forget it is also a challenge for the author to create a recognisable image within a limited space.
Karal_Daskin (6 August 2018, 10:09) complain
Very nice!
Sarei (21 February 2019, 15:32) complain
I like it! Very good small puzzle!
Alfiebeau (3 June 2019, 2:12) complain
Always wanted one of these. And this one's going to be easy to look after. Thank you!
Ties-Dras (31 March 2020, 11:15) complain
Knap gedaan! Gut geschafft! Bien fait! Bagus! Bueno!
JV08 (18 June 2020, 12:25) complain
Wonderful pic.
mathteacher12 (3 October 2021, 20:46) complain
Very nice!
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