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Japanese crossword «Buzz Lightyear»

Size: 17x23Picture:6/10Difficulty:4/10Added:16.06.17Author: tndecker

Minky (17 June 2017, 0:46) complain
I don't really see him :/
jsjc (17 June 2017, 2:07) complain
Palouday (17 June 2017, 16:43) complain
Now I see it, now I don't. Now I see it, now I don't. ...
Guest: PuzzleSolver (18 June 2017, 10:56) complain
This was really fun. I enjoyed the minimalist style that you used.
Guest: Maloreiy (19 June 2017, 9:34) complain
This was my first one. I'm sure I'll get the hang of it later.
FellHarbor (19 June 2017, 20:19) complain
Very cool! Didn't "see" Buzz until I got to his feet - pleasant surprise. :D
kpschafer (20 June 2017, 2:51) complain
How could you guys not see him?!?
This is GREAT
Corpore (21 June 2017, 12:23) complain
Not my Buzz. Any other Buzz
Donncomma (22 June 2017, 5:17) complain
Yeah, It's buzz inside the helmet, but I keep seeing a bearded face in his chest
swford (22 June 2017, 22:59) complain
Cute! Now do Woody!
Guest: sgw (27 June 2017, 6:56) complain
Loved it! Quick and fun, and a great picture at the end.
Alyaa (29 June 2017, 1:56) complain
To infinity and beyond! I figured out who it was from almost the beginning and still, it was fun to solve :D Thanks!
MelissaRRT (2 July 2017, 19:17) complain
Love it!
CindyLou (4 August 2017, 0:09) complain
I saw it but it took a minute. tbe light gray is so light on my screen it was hard to tell where I had it already.
silia (5 August 2017, 1:25) complain
Sheryl_Hill (14 December 2017, 20:46) complain
It's cute. Who's Buzz Lightyear?
show: 2 🗨
Sarei (21 February 2019, 19:22) complain
Toy astronaut from the movie 'Toystory'
Maxester (18 April 2021, 7:50) complain
skarabee (18 December 2017, 23:06) complain
Guest: Ola (20 February 2018, 19:21) complain
how can you not see it? i saw it after solving about half of it, he's perfect!
Merl (25 May 2018, 2:01) complain
Great puzzle, great picture!
Dan_L (4 December 2018, 4:00) complain
Can't believe the middling rating of this. This is very well done in the limited amount of space that was used. I started at the top and knew it was Buzz before I'd even completed the 6th row down. Once completed, I liked it even more. Voters on here are weird - sometimes I see puzzles that look like trash and they're rated over 4 stars. Other times I see very clever, fun, good looking ones and they barely make 3 stars. Whatever! LOL

PS - it would be really nice if people would try to understand what spoilers are and avoid posting them in the comments... So rude to tell what a puzzle is in the comments without hiding the spoiler part. Rude and lazy.
brumeux77 (4 December 2018, 21:48) complain
Two red eyes, big black mouth, some sort of pink and blue hat ... I can't see Buzz, but then I only saw one Toy Story and that was loooooooong ago, so I'm sure the problem is me.

(As for spoilers in the comments--they're going to be there, so if spoilers bother you, just don't look at the comments until you're done. Easier and less frustrating than complaining about them.)
show: 2 🗨
Dan_L (16 December 2018, 20:48) complain
The "red eyes" are lights on the chest of his space suit, and the "pink and blue hat" is his head inside his clear helmet. Yes, the problem is you. A 3 second google search would have alleviated your difficulty. Yes, spoilers are going to be there because people are ignorant and rude. Unfortunately, sometimes the comments aren't as easily ignored as you'd like to believe.
show: 1 🗨
smartymarty (7 August 2019, 10:00) complain
I can only agree with your observations.
hunnydub (5 December 2018, 11:18) complain
awesome job!!!
Sarei (21 February 2019, 19:24) complain
Looks good! Nice to do, also
MGbg (12 March 2019, 21:02) complain
JV08 (26 August 2020, 11:36) complain
My kids and I are huge fans -- great pic!
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