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Japanese crossword «Scrambled eggs»

Size: 45x45Picture:8/10Difficulty:6/10Added:15.06.17Author: LilianiN

Grethe_Groneng (16 June 2017, 9:17) complain
This picture of fried eggs is nice. A picture of scrambled eggs would have been dull.
Catherine_Woods (17 June 2017, 0:28) complain
I found the white very difficult to see.
starg8fans (30 June 2017, 9:15) complain
For the longest time I thought this was a magnifying glass. Now I'm hungry for breakfast! The white was very hard to see, but I realize it would have ruined this excellent picture if you had made it darker.
name (6 September 2019, 15:00) complain
I was sure it was a sword ... nice result. But really hard to keep track of which "white" blocks you've already selected.
show: 1 🗨
name (6 September 2019, 15:01) complain
PS "fried eggs", not scrambled
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