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Japanese crossword «TV»

Size: 23x27Picture:7/10Difficulty:4/10Added:14.06.17Author: LilianiN

Maluca (15 June 2017, 4:52) complain
The first color TV. ;-)
Murejo (15 June 2017, 14:43) complain
too simple. two rows, and you've guessed the motive
Guest: loxie (15 June 2017, 15:52) complain
not a good pic and boring to do, 'must do better'
NESThor (15 June 2017, 18:44) complain
I don't think it's a bad pic, but I don't like that there is more than one solution: the left arm of the antenna can be drawn upwards left or upwards right while following the numbers. An educated guess is needed to solve this
show: 2 🗨
Karal_Daskin (14 August 2018, 8:46) complain
A computer program verifies that all puzzles can be solve logically, and in only one way. Do the puzzle both ways you suggest, then hit check the crossword and you’ll find only one works.
Sandrabulando (4 July 2022, 14:37) complain
I am not sure whether the system checks for unicity. But in this particular case, it seems to me the solution is unique. I tried to draw the left antenna to the right (a mirror image) but always got stuck with one grey pixel. Did you double check?
Ahahanita (17 June 2017, 1:42) complain
SueQue (17 June 2017, 10:08) complain
Haven't seen a test pattern in a while
Guest: PuzzleSolver (19 June 2017, 4:02) complain
I really liked this puzzle!
Leines (19 June 2017, 23:41) complain
I have to disagree with NESThor - there is only one way to solve this puzzle. I liked it, thank you.
rkudrick (5 November 2019, 7:05) complain
I like it.
babsghia (2 January 2021, 0:05) complain
back when it was part of livingroom furniture, nice , thanks
MnS151 (15 January 2021, 0:09) complain
The thumbnail is amazing!
magis (19 January 2021, 12:42) complain
I think, I miss the old test pattern ...
brumeux77 (30 August 2022, 20:16) complain
I remember when there were in fact test patterns, but it seems to me that by the time color came around, the day of the test pattern was over.
Lady_Descole (1 December 2022, 21:23) complain
Cute, unique, and fun to do!
babsiep (17 January 2023, 13:21) complain
I enjoyed doing this puzzle (and definitely only one solution).
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