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Japanese crossword «Bananas»

Size: 16x16Picture:6/10Difficulty:4/10Added:30.05.17Author: l-master

Palouday (4 July 2017, 8:33) complain
Maybe, but not the kind grocery stores out here carry.
swford (6 July 2017, 21:27) complain
Yeh, these look a little unusual.
Guest: maloreiy (14 August 2017, 3:23) complain
How unusual, it can be solved pretty much from the top straight down.
therese (4 April 2018, 21:09) complain
Very cool colors! They make a common subject a lot more interesting
sallyg (14 April 2018, 10:09) complain
"A beautiful bunch of ripe bananas...daylight come and me wanna go home." Now I'll be singing that song for hours! Really enjoyed this puzzle.
brumeux77 (8 December 2018, 20:06) complain
I like my bananas when they're still a little bit green. But I would have liked a little more definition in this picture.
Sarei (23 February 2019, 2:14) complain
POP-art bananas!
msat (20 January 2020, 8:10) complain
I looked at it when I was done and thought "bananas?" -- well, they're recognizable, and this is certainly better than anything I can do!
Guest: still momma (20 February 2020, 19:08) complain
colors make this a purely a math/logic puzzle. NOT a "picture" at all.
cheers (3 March 2020, 3:25) complain
Too bad that the somewhat more artsy stuff gets voted down by so many ppl here.. I'm sorry for being kind of a bigot but I just think it's sad to see so many ppl getting frustrated over colours that aren't what you'd expect in a typical school print even though they just work out so well. Good job, I personally think you deserved a much better rating.
show: 1 🗨
DespOIcito (20 January 2023, 14:30) complain
^ When I realised what it was I was genuinely stunned by how good the picture was and was very surprised to see so many comments unhappy with the colours?
nemo11 (20 April 2020, 14:08) complain
I LOVE your use of colour, l-master. That's what makes your puzzles so exceptional and such fun to do!
rocknbozo (7 August 2021, 21:30) complain
electric fruit
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