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Japanese crossword «Capsule»

Size: 19x19Picture:6/10Difficulty:4/10Added:22.05.17Author: l-master

Leines (23 May 2017, 16:19) complain
nice shading but what is that?
Palouday (23 May 2017, 22:26) complain
Very nice that the image is attractive, yet both it and the title leave plenty of room for imagination.
Corpore (25 May 2017, 23:14) complain
Try harder
rosebuster (26 May 2017, 11:58) complain
Wait... Is this a pill from Binding of Isaac? Looks totally like one of the pills you can find in that game.
rosebuster (26 May 2017, 12:00) complain
Looked at the miniature. Yes, this is totally it! It's from Binding of Isaac: Rebirth to be exact.
marina_v (2 March 2018, 20:28) complain
A little more round form and it could pass as a hazelnut. Would've liked it better.
Sarei (23 February 2019, 16:57) complain
I advice you to make the shape more rounded at both ends.
For the rest is the puzzle ok
Sarei (23 February 2019, 16:58) complain
And bit more stretched
The-Nono-Gram (6 May 2019, 2:35) complain
When working this I first thought it was a bomb.
Celandine (25 May 2021, 19:18) complain
Fun to solve - not too crazy about what it represents, though I suppose I'm actually very thankful for the way medicines make life easier. Maybe I should appreciate the way they look!
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