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Japanese crossword «Magpie»

Size: 25x15Picture:6/10Difficulty:6/10Added:19.05.17Author: Valaroma

Guest: Helmi (20 May 2017, 5:45) complain
looks like it lost a fight with a cat
Guest: rebel (20 May 2017, 15:12) complain
I think this one needs more work.
Elizabeth182 (20 May 2017, 15:23) complain
Well, it looked more like a dinosaur of some sort.
Palouday (20 May 2017, 17:55) complain
Once I had completed it, I continued to add some more black tiles into the throat area (where Helmi's cat had taken out a chunk). That made it look quite nice.
Palouday (20 May 2017, 17:59) complain
Ignore my previous comment and rating. When you look at it in thumbnail size, it's perfect. My apologies Juan.
romulusnr (22 May 2017, 4:40) complain
problem is the bird is part white ... but so is the background... so...
dylan_oliver (22 May 2017, 5:17) complain
I think it would look a little clearer if the white part had a black outline around it, clearing up the issue mentioned by romulusnr. Still a really cute picture though - especially at thumbnail size :)
rosebuster (24 May 2017, 15:09) complain
I appreciate that this puzzle was actually incredibly difficult. Probably can't get any harder than this while being a small puzzle and meeting this site's rules. It's true there's a problem with the end result because of the white, but if there was a colour instead of the white parts of the bird, the difficulty would be much lower. So it's a trade-off... At least we got a challenge.
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Sarei (23 February 2019, 14:51) complain
Indeed near-white would improve it. At first I also was thinking of a dynasaur after fight, hahaha!
But the picture is marvelous.
Please go on!
CindyLou (25 May 2017, 23:48) complain
agree that black to separate the two white areas would help.
Alan_and_Wendy (23 June 2017, 4:09) complain
Not a great picture, but more than made up for by the difficulty. Really well done,Juan.
Guest: kostas (23 June 2017, 20:26) complain
This puzzle is very "empty" and that makes it extremely difficult to solve.
mrkite (3 October 2017, 8:49) complain
Overly difficult considering the end result.
skarabee (12 November 2017, 0:31) complain
joli résultat
Guest: kim (5 December 2017, 5:53) complain
creative- i've always liked magpies. thanks
Guest: lethalprincess (5 December 2017, 22:55) complain
The picture in beautiful and unique (finally not another fruit, flower or animated character!). You have to use your imagination a little bit, but once you do - you'll appreciate thepicture. :-)
It was truly difficult to solve.
Sheryl_Hill (10 February 2018, 22:10) complain
Leaving out boundary lines, including white space in the picture--these are hallmarks of sophisticated modern art. I confess that I don't know what a magpie looks like so I'm having a harder time seeing it than I did with Vigil's rabbit. www.nonograms.org/nonograms2/i/16896
I crave difficult crosswords. Thank you, Juan!
neighblis (24 February 2018, 19:43) complain
This was very difficult. I got stuck after only managing to put down a couple of short lines, and was only able to progress after I made a mistake and the puzzle showed me where it was supposed to be. I ended up guessing how the bottom right corner should look like, and fortunately got it right. The picture is really pretty though.
David_King (26 February 2018, 15:50) complain
Asterra (21 June 2018, 22:38) complain
was a challenge, thank you
stelkam (4 August 2018, 11:01) complain
It was incredibly easy... And pic not the nicest from what I saw in here.
Karal_Daskin (18 November 2018, 11:21) complain
I like it! Accidentally stylized!
Dan_L (14 December 2018, 21:07) complain
The thumbnail is better than most puzzles here, but,obviously, a lot of people on here don't understand that some of these are better seen as a thumbnail.
hunnydub (20 December 2018, 8:04) complain
I love it!
Cathrine (16 March 2019, 3:07) complain
The difficulty depends entirely on what techniques you are used to. The puzzle is perfectly doable in 5-10 min if you are familiar with the right ones, and (based on other comments) a bit more difficult otherwise.
I really like this style of image. While some comment that a differential shade of white would have improved the contrast, I love it for the lack of this extra shade. I really like the nonograms where one has to finish the full puzzle before really seeing the image, which I have yet to see a picture with added whites do.
So this puzzle really ticks all my boxes!
Great job Valaroma!
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Guest: Lisa (22 September 2019, 2:01) complain
What are the techniques? Where may I learn?
smartymarty (23 July 2019, 0:21) complain
thumbnail thumbnail thumbnail!
Lastlight2 (17 December 2019, 23:59) complain
Looks more like a T-Rex in the dark
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mrneil6 (8 June 2022, 23:46) complain
I thought that's what it was too
cheers (21 February 2020, 19:32) complain
It's pretty cool I think. Rather challenging and the result made no sense to me at first, but after seeing the title I feel like it's quite well done. Thanks.
lmq (20 May 2020, 7:39) complain
I was only able to do it by guessing the right closer corner
szwejko (1 October 2021, 16:40) complain
People complain about the white part of the picture. I like it. It assumes we have some sort of imagination. The outline would make the picture worse. In my opinion the picture is clever. Solving it was a pleasure.
Ageleni (22 November 2021, 10:44) complain
Unlike many others, I didn't find this difficult at all. It was almost routine, and went very quickly. I do feel that there should have been a bit of background color to differentiate the white. I am delighted with my screaming blue T-rex, though!
Llyn (9 January 2023, 14:24) complain
I found it mostly quite easy. I got a good start by guesstimating where to start in the top left. A good abstract of these birds, we have some in our area.
Thank you.
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Llyn (10 January 2023, 0:42) complain
I also thought a dinosaur at first. Having just seen it as a small thumbnail in my profile, magpie it is. So clever!
denamitchell66 (27 July 2023, 6:54) complain
clevelandphil (26 March 2024, 0:34) complain
I guess it's what they say it is. But it don't look like Heckle or Jeckel to me.
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