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Japanese crossword «Archimedes»

Size: 39x52Picture:8/10Difficulty:7/10Added:09.05.17Author: grisha2002super

Headrock (22 May 2017, 1:11) complain
Beautiful picture, but the puzzle itself was somewhat boring to do, I'm afraid.
Raichu (25 February 2018, 19:46) complain
I don't understand the 3.5 difficulty rating. The puzzle was not at all hard to do, just extremely tedious. It's beautiful, but I was hoping it'd be more engaging/challenging :(
CabalSlaver (13 September 2021, 20:13) complain
Nice puzzle but aweful colorscheme making it really hard to make.
Liat (12 April 2023, 1:44) complain
It's not that hard if you use the accessibility colors; but it's a bit of a bog.
show: 1 🗨
Liat (12 April 2023, 1:46) complain
With that said, while I was filling it in, I thought it'd be a zombie with a mushroom head because of the color scheme I was using. Was surprised at the result, honestly.
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