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Japanese crossword «Avocado»

Size: 20x30Picture:8/10Difficulty:4/10Added:20.04.17Author: Heinakuu

John_Calabrese (31 May 2017, 20:18) complain
Hard to distinguish between colors 3 and 4. 3 is only used for one square - it's not necessary.
Cairobat (25 July 2017, 6:27) complain
^^^ Yeah, what he said. What was the point of that?!
babsghia (10 December 2020, 3:31) complain
all the greens are used for many squares, it's lovely, looks like my tree, thanks
munkin (25 May 2021, 8:10) complain
I wonder if something was changed after John & Cairobat commented, because 3 & 4 are nothing alike now, and, as babsghia said, the greens are all used all over the puzzle. Hmmmm... Anyway, I found this to be more difficult than expected, with a very nice outcome.
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