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Japanese crossword «Scrooge McDuck»

Size: 26x44Picture:9/10Difficulty:6/10Added:02.04.17Author: RICH

rosebuster (3 April 2017, 13:40) complain
Amazing picture of Scrooge McDuck! When I completed the bottom part, I had no idea what this could be. It looked so weird, like some ball-shaped robot on two legs with some brown stuff pouring out of his hand... But then when I started seeing the shapes of the top hat, I recognised what this was!
sgw (4 April 2017, 3:52) complain
This really was a great puzzle - I too had no idea what to expect, working from the bottom up! Terrific colors too.
Poal (20 October 2017, 1:49) complain
Thought it was just another snowman at first and was pleasantly surprised by the result!
sanda10 (14 June 2018, 20:54) complain
Realy fantastic!
hotmailjen (28 August 2019, 22:57) complain
Good one. I started with the hat and guessed the outcome from that
Al-e (19 September 2023, 11:20) complain
Very good, thank you
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