Random crossword
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Japanese crossword «Herringbone»

Size: 33x43Picture:8/10Difficulty:5/10Added:13.02.17Author: VaneccSV88

sgw (20 March 2017, 10:17) complain
lovely design - and the colors were so bright and pretty. Loved it!
Issy (7 September 2018, 14:38) complain
Not sure how the title matched the picture, other than there being a lot of back and forth between colors. Either way, the result is pretty.
Janet (9 September 2018, 8:58) complain
Very nice - thank you :))
Ellymayc (25 December 2019, 7:16) complain
What an appropriate day to get this as a random puzzle!
Stephanie_Cummings (19 February 2020, 7:55) complain
This is the second similar picture with the same title. Am I missing something? Is it called that in a different language/country?
QDPIE (18 September 2023, 4:08) complain
looks like a Christmas tree to me
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