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Japanese crossword «Girl on the boat»

Size: 36x45Picture:9/10Difficulty:6/10Added:06.02.17Author: Eric_Windeman

MISH (18 February 2017, 19:48) complain
What's up with these pictures? Show some respect towards women.
show: 1 🗨
josherrick (29 August 2018, 19:26) complain
If want the pictures to change how about make your own.
banjo001 (25 May 2017, 7:09) complain
maybe more of the boat than the girl.
Guest: meow (14 March 2018, 1:38) complain
The image is actually well rendered, but it does portray the woman in a stereotypical pose, so not that happy with it, to be honest.
leia2001 (15 July 2019, 22:46) complain
Everything is detailed... but the face is not...
Catgirl (14 April 2021, 22:00) complain
I’m a woman myself and i don’t feel intimidated at all. These day you can find something political not correct in everything, and that’s just boring!! And Eric_Windeman : well done! ❤️
kerwincormier (23 July 2021, 1:23) complain
Well done! Wish that was me having all the fun!
ou812 (21 October 2024, 20:03) complain
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