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Japanese crossword «Kiss»

Size: 40x35Picture:6/10Difficulty:4/10Added:17.01.17Author: kotenok2507

kc_lind (23 March 2017, 7:10) complain
I can't tell what this is.
Karal_Daskin (1 November 2018, 7:43) complain
There’s a face in the upper left and a larger one in the mid and lower right.
Stephanie_Cummings (9 January 2019, 5:40) complain
Tilt your head to the right. It's a profile of two people kissing. You can see the lips, noses, and chins
maggiestew (10 July 2020, 14:17) complain
not a profile! a view from above
Ursula_Cat (15 January 2021, 0:31) complain
kept me guessing as to what the image was until I placed the last pixel!
ColinIsHere (10 April 2021, 20:31) complain
I see a girl and a bear i guess, but the kiss is not in their faces. They don't have lips in their faces.
show: 1 🗨
DrV57 (16 May 2021, 4:15) complain
Stephanie is right. Tilt you head to the right and you can see it. Looking straight on I had nothing.
kkezir (10 January 2023, 23:02) complain
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