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Japanese crossword «Widowmaker (Overwatch)»

Size: 17x32Picture:6/10Difficulty:5/10Added:26.11.16Author: cheys

aughengo (29 November 2016, 20:10) complain
Too many different grays
therese (10 September 2018, 23:19) complain
The greys are tough, but the picture came out good!
hotmailjen (30 October 2019, 11:55) complain
The hard part of this puzzle is deciding which grey is which.
brumeux77 (5 May 2022, 0:56) complain
The greys required more attention than I would have liked, but the black and the not-quite-black were hopeless. I filled in the entire grid with not-black and took out the errors. Then the blacks that were left were really blacks. And I can't say I'm entirely thrilled with the end result. However, it's still better than anything I've submitted, so I suppose I shouldn't complain.
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