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Japanese crossword «Bell»

Size: 13x17Picture:7/10Difficulty:4/10Added:15.11.16Author: Arina

Palouday (15 November 2016, 3:47) complain
Thanks Arina. I like it. Not a gong show, but a gong shows.
Neilio (29 November 2016, 1:45) complain
Corpore (29 December 2016, 18:26) complain
goyo (11 February 2017, 23:16) complain
Very confusing colors
cinlber (26 February 2017, 16:21) complain
I really liked this one. The oranges were a bit tricky but I was very pleased at the picture. Thanks!
Alasea (1 March 2017, 11:12) complain
Nice play with colours.
Guest: Bethany. D (25 March 2017, 10:19) complain
WOW!! Its amAZing!! I looooove it soooo much!! Especialy the toning!! =)
sm6220 (21 May 2017, 6:29) complain
I love this! totally disagree with some of these other comments. this is well done!
CindyLou (1 June 2017, 21:56) complain
lovely pix - great use of colors. It looks like these comments aren't monitored. If there is a way to report something, Palouday should be reported. It is fine if they don't like it, but shouldn't cuss. Hard to imagine anyone taking 45 min to do this puzzle.
FellHarbor (3 August 2017, 15:08) complain
Very nice! The image is not what I was expecting, which is nice - I like being surprised. :) Palouday's comment doesn't sound at all like the tone of others they've left; they're either trolling or were drunk... lol
Guest: Ani (20 September 2017, 10:07) complain
I agree w Cindy about the poor guy that it took 45 min to finish. Pretty pic but I think some of the colors are confusing
Guest: loxie (20 November 2017, 20:03) complain
I agree with Cindy - there is no need to use bad language - but judging by the poor spelling and grammar of the commentator, they probably don't know better. How can anyone take 45 mins to do such a tiny puzzle, unless their poor behaviour is indicative of a learning disability perhaps. I liked this one and its very good for such a small picture.
Stephanie_Cummings (10 March 2018, 6:39) complain
very nice! I love the shading
Imda (15 March 2018, 16:40) complain
Pretty picture. That wasn't the real Palouday, just someone pretending to be him. It doesn't link to his real profile which is here: www.nonograms.org/user/56547
Peter_Goy (14 June 2018, 0:27) complain
This doesn't need so many colors, the 5 or so shades of yellow make it just look messy.
Guest: loxie (12 March 2019, 14:42) complain
where are there five shades of yellow? I can only see one yellow, one orange/rust colour, plus a light brown sagey colour. Somebody needs a new pc or graphics card.
MGbg (21 March 2019, 23:10) complain
michis_daughter (24 July 2019, 18:59) complain
Very unusual!
Al-e (25 August 2020, 9:45) complain
Nice, thank you
not_per_se (24 January 2022, 16:16) complain
I liked this one, shading makes it even better :)
travelmom (23 September 2022, 20:09) complain
best seen for full effect in the thumbnail. Working size looks too pixelated for me to fully appreciate.
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