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Japanese crossword «Joker (DC)»

Size: 36x37Picture:8/10Difficulty:5/10Added:29.09.16Author: Eric_Windeman

Florie (23 October 2016, 2:13) complain
Sooooo creepy, well done.
Stephanie_Cummings (21 December 2018, 17:22) complain
I love the colors, which drew me in, then I began to solve it and it was very creepy (as is the character's nature).
alysilent (7 May 2020, 13:09) complain
this is the best picture on this site, i love it! the shadow is lovely
caveangel47 (28 November 2022, 14:51) complain
i also get pulled to a puzzle by the colors. this is a very good pic. good job, the white on the chin is good, shows the shine of light.
LunaLuvsYa (4 June 2024, 0:06) complain
Figured it out about half way through. Then I was excited to see the results
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