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Japanese crossword «Sneakers»

Size: 55x45Picture:8/10Difficulty:7/10Added:01.08.16Author: Tverianka

OpalArk (24 September 2017, 3:53) complain
I think this may have been the most "fun to solve" puzzle I have done yet. Challenging, yet, I never got stuck. Excellent!
Ev0lutionz (28 March 2018, 12:49) complain
Wow this was really great, and the picture is awesome! Thank you!
Georgia_Mallotidou (11 May 2019, 9:02) complain
Great picture, i couldn't figure out what it was until the end of it, thank you Tverianka
Janet (11 March 2020, 11:35) complain
Very clever - thank you :))
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