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Japanese crossword «Aborigine»

Size: 35x45Picture:6/10Difficulty:8/10Added:23.07.16Author: Irina-belko61

VergZi (13 October 2020, 16:43) complain
Well, that was hard. No hints or guesses needed, but took me almost two hours.
show: 1 🗨
Lyman_Zerga (3 November 2020, 15:54) complain
Did it with intervals but the effective time spent is about the same I guess.
Can you be concentrated long enough to do this in one go?
Lyman_Zerga (3 November 2020, 16:04) complain
The problem with big grids is that it won't fit the screen even when making the grid smaller twice. It's annoying to have to scroll back and forth. That said, it was fun and challenging but tedious as well, 999+ moves.
And last but not least the pic is stereotypical. I'm convinced that the indegenous australians wouldn't like to be depicted like this.
In the end mixed feelings...
show: 3 🗨
Onono (10 November 2020, 2:29) complain
I agree, it's a caricature, and we're better off without this kind of thing.
(I agree about big grid, too; anything more than 30 pixels in height is uncomfortable to work with).
KarinC (13 February 2021, 1:45) complain
Totally agree!
smkim000 (15 April 2021, 4:07) complain
Agreed. But anyway tough and fun!
NatalieC (8 May 2021, 23:49) complain
Shameful, awful picture. Should not be allowed, blatantly racist and without any merit. Don't actually care about the difficulty of the puzzle, given the terrible outcome, but it was nothing special.
MuckTheSystem (20 September 2021, 2:50) complain
It is shameful to portray a people/race in this way.
mrneil6 (12 November 2021, 0:42) complain
Looks far more like one of numerous tribal African peoples than an Australian Aborigine. Though, this could be a translation issue... aboriginal implies a people as they were in early times prior to colonization, which could definitely apply to tribal Africa before European expansion.
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