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Japanese crossword «Lion»

Size: 30x40Picture:7/10Difficulty:7/10Added:11.07.16Author: Kimi_Raikkonen

Guest: meow (24 December 2017, 2:05) complain
I found this quite challenging. I nearly gave up, but in the end it was very logical. The image is very stylised, wasn't sure what it was until I saw the title.
Guest: iudicatrix (17 March 2018, 17:08) complain
This is nearly impossible to do without using a hint. I had to work on a copy to solve it.
Raichu (24 September 2018, 3:11) complain
Love the art style this is done in! Also very challenging.
Janet (8 February 2020, 10:20) complain
Very nice - thank you :))
VergZi (25 March 2020, 16:18) complain
It demands a lot of work and time, but I don't it's complexity is that high. Great drawing!
Lyman_Zerga (9 October 2020, 2:52) complain
Not overly complicated but yet fun to solve.
smkim000 (5 May 2021, 4:50) complain
Challenging! Great picture!
Chorton (18 February 2024, 1:23) complain
Using the almost symmetry i found it not to hard!
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