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Japanese crossword «Heron»

Size: 15x23Picture:7/10Difficulty:3/10Added:21.06.16Author: KsandReaL

Palouday (22 February 2018, 9:10) complain
Yes, they do stand tall and stately. In this case, this looks like a very young specimen. The body does not yet have the adult length.
Sdawg_Colorado (19 August 2018, 20:48) complain
Cute and fun to solve !!!
M997 (11 June 2019, 19:46) complain
I thought I was working on a Seattle skyline at first
show: 1 🗨
Shaggz (26 September 2019, 8:15) complain
Ooooooh, good idea. Someone should do city skylines. That would be great.
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