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Japanese crossword «BabyMetal logo»

Size: 65x35Picture:6/10Difficulty:6/10Added:31.05.16Author: Tverianka

Joel_Maestas (1 June 2016, 2:58) complain
Guest: OSAB (3 June 2016, 5:31) complain
I came here for good nonograms and i got this piece of shit.
show: 1 🗨
Onono (10 March 2024, 5:29) complain
Shit happens, child. There are lots of good nonograms here, but they're not spoon-fed to you.
Guest: guillermo (4 June 2016, 18:07) complain
no comment
Tamin (6 June 2016, 2:48) complain
Yessss I love them!
Jaylee_James (6 June 2016, 20:12) complain
The nonogram was super interesting... I have no idea what logo this is for though, hahahahaha.
Guest: Madison Martin (10 June 2016, 17:46) complain
It is so fun but it is hard to figure it out. We played with it in school and I love the game. It is awesome and a challenge for the brain. I could play this game for hours on end. I love it.
show: 1 🗨
Onono (10 March 2024, 5:31) complain
Does a nonogram logo appear anywhere in the game? (Nonograms are awesome and a challenge for the brain. I could work on them for hours on end. I love them.)
Andrea_Smith (20 July 2016, 19:13) complain
Started off easy with nearly solid borders but got really challenging in the middle. Very fun.
froghopper (20 April 2017, 9:34) complain
Japanese all girl metal band
wgdehaan (2 October 2020, 9:08) complain
Super puzzle! Thanks
lilymoth (15 July 2024, 5:22) complain
awesome! i wouldn't have expected to see this here, so this was a pleasant surprise!
numetal (10 December 2024, 0:07) complain
this was so fun to solve omg. at first it was really easy, and then it suddenly got really hard. but i solved it!! :D
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