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Japanese crossword «Whirligig»

Size: 19x25Picture:7/10Difficulty:4/10Added:23.04.16Author: Arina

grady (28 May 2016, 11:58) complain
This one is not the thing that the name says it is. Watch out for it not being a multiple of 5 sized puzzle. That makes it super tricky.
LPrice (29 August 2016, 0:21) complain
It worked easily for me, but I can't really make out a whirl-a-gig. More like a top.
Jose_Duran_Granados (15 November 2016, 9:52) complain
Joaquin (5 December 2016, 22:40) complain
Femme_Appeal (25 February 2017, 22:30) complain
On this site especially you have to take a moment to look at the real meanings of words, not just the definitions you learned in context growing up. The definition of whirligig is any toy that spins around. It's not just a word for what we might called a "pinwheel" in the US. It applies to a top like this as well.
Guest: loxie (4 April 2017, 13:57) complain
As Femme says, whirligig can mean spinning top. We in the UK call wind pinwheels 'windmills' not whirligigs.
Karal_Daskin (25 April 2018, 7:11) complain
This one showed up as new for me today. It has 3+ year old commments...how odd.
show: 2 🗨
David_King (14 September 2020, 11:28) complain
It was originally just on the Russian site, now they're translating all the titles of the old puzzles into English, which is a great bonanza.
show: 1 🗨
Karal_Daskin (16 September 2020, 4:11) complain
That IS wonderful!
We had a toy like this for my kid sisters: a base, and a metal spiral that pulled out and made the top spin.
David_King (14 September 2020, 11:33) complain
Surprisingly fiddly, but fun to do.
Celandine (17 March 2021, 2:06) complain
I had at least one of these, brightly painted metal and rather noisy.
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fiction-3 (26 February 2022, 1:40) complain
In Dutch it is called a 'bromtol' meaning a toll making a deep sonorous sound
Merl (9 July 2022, 6:47) complain
I had one of these as a kid!
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