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Japanese crossword «Bruce»

Size: 32x45Picture:8/10Difficulty:4/10Added:04.11.24Author: Lan

andy11 (5 November 2024, 11:34) complain
Good likeness
wisekaren (5 November 2024, 13:59) complain
Somehow thought it was going to be Prince! Nice job.
Petse (5 November 2024, 17:40) complain
Willis is one of my favorites!

Thank you, Lan!
show: 4 🗨
GulfCoastGuppy (6 November 2024, 5:09) complain
Hmmm, don't think so.

Am I wrong? Serious-lee
show: 3 🗨
Petse (6 November 2024, 10:12) complain
Well, who do you think are my favorites and why haven't I been told about the change in the list? ;)

Willis was great in the Die Hard series, acting the good guy in the role of John McLeen or something like that.
show: 2 🗨
GulfCoastGuppy (7 November 2024, 5:33) complain
Oh my apologies Petse! I just realized what you were saying was YOUR favorite. And I happen to agree with you, so no changes in the list haha!

I just wanted to use my pun on who I thought it was lol
show: 1 🗨
Petse (7 November 2024, 6:27) complain
No worries, Guppy!

You made me laugh with your pun :)
lenny_kouwenberg (5 November 2024, 21:00) complain
So recognizable!
annekatenator (6 November 2024, 1:41) complain
This is great!
deborah (8 November 2024, 23:37) complain
Amazing! To get such a likeness with so few pixels! Thanks!
Pietje (17 November 2024, 14:40) complain
Very nice!
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