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Japanese crossword «Murkrow (Pokemon GameBoy)»

Size: 48x48Picture:7/10Difficulty:6/10Added:23.10.24Author: Salcul

bisondele (24 October 2024, 4:14) complain
great job and welcome new artist!
NancyUK (24 October 2024, 5:29) complain
Nice use of negative space, thanks
kbi10 (24 October 2024, 20:35) complain
Thank you for this one. It is different than the usual ones
deborah (24 October 2024, 21:23) complain
I don't know the subject, but it was a fun puzzle to solve. Thanks!
Foxyville (25 October 2024, 2:17) complain
It's not a push-over that you solve in 5 minutes, but you always find something to progress through it. You rarely find ones like that.
wisekaren (27 October 2024, 1:54) complain
I'm not familiar with this character, but it was fun to solve. Welcome, new artist!
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