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Japanese crossword «Under the mushroom»

Size: 35x35Picture:8/10Difficulty:5/10Added:25.09.24Author: Chipalaka

dukeofkt (26 September 2024, 4:32) complain
That's a massive Mushroom. Thanks!
andy11 (26 September 2024, 11:37) complain
Strangely likeable image.
EddieTeaspoon (26 September 2024, 12:11) complain
After completing literally every tiny puzzle currently available, this one felt gruelling to solve lmao

Lovely puzzle, though!
show: 4 🗨
Equus (26 September 2024, 16:37) complain
Or maybe a tiny mouse.
show: 1 🗨
Equus (26 September 2024, 16:39) complain
Sorry, I meant to reply to Dukeofkt.
The-Nono-Gram (27 September 2024, 7:19) complain
Did you do the color ones, too?
I was doing those, but I quit because I prefer black and white.
show: 1 🗨
EddieTeaspoon (1 October 2024, 12:19) complain
I have begun my journey through the colour ones. They are a bit trickier than B&W, but I've been enjoying the challenge, and I imagine they'll intuitively make me better at B&W puzzles, which I'm sure I'll need when I decide to take on every small puzzle.

Addicted? Me? I plead the fifth.
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