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Japanese crossword «Panda»

Size: 15x15Picture:6/10Difficulty:3/10Added:16.09.24Author: smaper

juliadesigns (17 September 2024, 2:08) complain
Its funny that as i was placing the last few pixels i suddenly guessed exactly what it was...
Chorton (17 September 2024, 2:10) complain
Thank you new artist!
Alicia_Butcher_Ehrhardt (17 September 2024, 2:23) complain
Cute. My preferred size.
show: 1 🗨
minou53 (17 September 2024, 23:28) complain
mine to
The-Nono-Gram (17 September 2024, 3:40) complain
Welcome brand new artist!!!
smeuse (17 September 2024, 4:29) complain
Welcome. Nice work!
Petse (17 September 2024, 6:26) complain
They seem to be very cuddly animals. Still I wouldn't hug.

Thank you, smaper!
andy11 (17 September 2024, 9:46) complain
Good image.
Blazing_Rain (17 September 2024, 11:00) complain
Took me more effort than I expected, but was quite enjoyable!
show: 3 🗨
pxa154 (17 September 2024, 11:34) complain
When the puzzle is fully symmetrical, then the solution symmetrical as well. So that if you have an odd number of guess on a given row, the central guess falls exaclty on the middle.
Knowing this, the puzzle becomes pretty straightforward !
show: 2 🗨
Andreskk (18 September 2024, 11:27) complain
That's making a lot of assumptions. The symmetry can also work on diagonals, so while yes, usually this assumption is correct, it's not a strictly correct one to make in order to logically solve the puzzle.

Think of a Z shape. It will seem symmetrical per the numbers, but isn't on either the vertical or horizontal axis.
show: 1 🗨
pxa154 (19 September 2024, 16:45) complain
To be a nonogram on this website, solution must be unique. This is the only assumption required here. Since the symetrical is a solution, uniqueness assumption tells you it is the only one and you can go for it.
On your exemple, the nonogram fitting a Z-shape won't have a unique solution.
wisekaren (17 September 2024, 14:59) complain
Welcome, new artist! Nice job.
Puzzled (18 September 2024, 5:57) complain
Quick and Fun!
kerwincormier (25 September 2024, 2:41) complain
Well hello there!
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