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Japanese crossword «Kangal Shepherd Dog»

Size: 45x45Picture:8/10Difficulty:6/10Added:01.08.24Author: Laridae

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FANATIC_DRAFTDODGER (2 August 2024, 14:32) complain
One more dog solved. Such a dog days, thanks. By the way, dog days is not only english idiom. It came to us from the Roman Empire and it was a holiday of conjunction Sirius star in Canis Majoris constellation with the Sun. Egyptians called such conjunction as Sirius Sothis when the Nile water raised, they believed that such coincidence related to Osiris an Egyptian god of fertility with green face. You can find such allusion to Osiris green face in modern art, for example: in Florence and the machines - dog days are over you could see 2 green faced wemen. Nowadays, conjunction of Sun and Sirius occurs in winter.
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