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Japanese crossword «The boy and the parrot»

Size: 35x40Picture:8/10Difficulty:7/10Added:15.04.16Author: Tverianka

Guest: meow (15 March 2018, 21:23) complain
very nice. I enjoyed this, thanks.
Joni_Wiese (6 June 2018, 14:52) complain
Love the picture! Very unusual and quite unexpected ;)
szwejk (30 December 2018, 3:20) complain
Thank you, Tverianka. You make great puzzles. The first half (bottom) was quite easy. The second part was difficult.
Janet (17 November 2021, 9:20) complain
Very nice - thank you :))
Kalou (22 April 2023, 18:40) complain
Thank you
smkim000 (28 August 2023, 18:42) complain
OMG! I did it!!!
Lyman_Zerga (17 September 2024, 12:33) complain
I was stuck for a while and had to check over and over again. After a good night of sleep, it so happened to be a simple counting error I missed. Silly me, but then again, you can miss things when you're tired. After all, I was relieved not to be tempted to use any hint, so it made it all worthwhile.
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