Japanese crossword «Courier»
Size: 20x20 | Picture: | Difficulty: | Added: | 30.04.24 | Author: cybermember |
So nice to see this new artist doing nice sized puzzles! Thank you.
replyThank you for your first few puzzles! This one definitely threw me for a lot of loops.
replyВыражаем искреннюю благодарность киберучастнику. Вы новичок на этом сайте, но вы определенно не новичок в нонограммах. Ваш первоначальный вклад здесь просто блестящий. Очень сложная задача и прекрасные результаты.
replyDelivering our sincere gratitude to cybermember. You're new to this site, but you're definitely not new to nonograms. Your initial contributions here are brilliant. All three a serious challenge that produce beautiful results. Thank you.
At first I thought the back part were wings - new(spaper) motorcycle hero!
An Uber Eats delivering an ice cold soggy pizza. Nothing unusual or new.
replyNice! Somehow missed it - found by search of littles.