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Japanese crossword «The man behind the laptop»

Size: 45x45Picture:8/10Difficulty:6/10Added:22.02.24Author: imari13

giromaka (23 February 2024, 11:48) complain
This is a difficult puzzle and took about 2 hours to complete.
The elimination method to proceed logically with this puzzle requires too much imagination.
andy11 (23 February 2024, 13:36) complain
I agree with Giromaka, difficult puzzle but a good image on completion.
HanjieMaster (23 February 2024, 14:35) complain
I completely disagree. It was simple and took just over 30 minutes. No imagination required. It was all solvable with logic.
show: 2 🗨
giromaka (24 February 2024, 3:10) complain
I think you are right. This is because the puzzle's Difficulty rating of 3 stars proves it.
So I decided to try it one more time.
Now, after 15 minutes, the progress has been blocked again. I cry...
If you have time, I would appreciate it if you could tell me how to proceed in this situation...
show: 1 🗨
HanjieMaster (24 February 2024, 15:19) complain
Column 1 you can deduce where 5 of the 8 go. This leads to where the 8 in column 2 goes. Row 13 & 14, you can deduce where the 11s cannot go.
Row 39, you can deduce which of the 2s you already have. This leads to you knowing which 2 you have in row 40.

As a general rule, whenever you get stuck, look for high value numbers on the edges. If you imagine that that set goes in a particular place, it leads to an anomaly and you can eliminate places where it can't go. In this example, the 8 in Column 1, you use this technique.

Best of luck. I'm sure you will crack it soon enough.
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