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Japanese crossword «Grandmother»

Size: 30x45Picture:8/10Difficulty:7/10Added:19.02.24Author: Tverianka

rovena (20 February 2024, 18:39) complain
wisekaren (20 February 2024, 18:48) complain
What a great challenge! Took me forever to get going. I would finally get a square to fill or X, only to find that it didn't help at all!
giromaka (21 February 2024, 3:45) complain
This was difficult despite its small size, and took 1 hour and 50 minutes.
At first, I thought the puzzle wasn't complete enough, but after seeing the hints, I realized it was just my lack of skill.
smkim000 (20 April 2024, 4:57) complain
Good game!!! I like it.
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