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Japanese crossword «Frog with a net»

Size: 45x45Picture:8/10Difficulty:7/10Added:10.01.24Author: imari13

Ellymayc (11 January 2024, 3:29) complain
Of course it is! Very imaginative :)
giromaka (11 January 2024, 10:52) complain
This is pretty difficult.
You have to use the 'reductio' method several times and it takes a lot of imagination to discover the contradiction.
This is a great, highly complete puzzle. thank you!
radiant_roadkill (11 January 2024, 23:10) complain
nice challenge, fun to play :D
cbar (12 January 2024, 6:04) complain
Lovely little fellow!
Risus_Khan (12 January 2024, 16:38) complain
Yea it was difficult. I had to use X's
wisekaren (12 January 2024, 16:55) complain
Omigosh, soooo hard! I got completely stuck yesterday and had to resume today. Great challenge!
deborah (14 January 2024, 2:08) complain
Wow, that WAS tough! It was so quick at the start, I thought, after reading other peoples' comments, that I was rather clever. Turns out, I'm not so darned smart after all! :D Thanks.
shlomi (15 January 2024, 7:16) complain
not for beginners , but doable within an hour
ElsaH (15 January 2024, 7:17) complain
Good picture! A bit tough in places but it went smoothly.
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