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Japanese crossword «Grandma flies carrots on a grater»

Size: 45x45Picture:8/10Difficulty:7/10Added:08.01.24Author: imari13

giromaka (9 January 2024, 14:19) complain
It's very easy at the beginning, but there's a hard part in the middle.
Also, if you don't find the "stroke of genius" at the bottom center, you won't be able to solve the puzzle.
That was a great problem to have, thank you.
show: 3 🗨
Taokan (9 January 2024, 19:40) complain
Yea this started off as a "let's try without x's", on the left, but the right side is brutal. Excellent puzzle!
show: 1 🗨
Risus_Khan (10 January 2024, 2:56) complain
i crackt my head and solved without x's :D it was a good brain exercise :D
msat (10 January 2024, 5:29) complain
Yeah, I needed a hint to find that "stroke of genius."
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