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Japanese crossword «Pegasus»

Size: 55x55Picture:9/10Difficulty:7/10Added:30.12.23Author: Big_Angry_Wolf

wisekaren (31 December 2023, 21:53) complain
euro (1 January 2024, 0:03) complain
Gorgious! Pegasus was a winged horse of Greek mythology. According to a myth he was in the service of the king of gods Zeus and carried the lightning bolts from the workshop of Hephaestus the god of fire and metallurgists.
show: 1 🗨
nataliecv (2 January 2024, 7:38) complain
please use the spoiler (eye with a \) when supplying information that reveals the puzzle.
nataliecv (2 January 2024, 8:06) complain
Thank you
inali (22 September 2024, 22:30) complain
Fabulous. This is such an imaginative pose. The thumbnail is gorgeous. Solving it was quite tricky, but at a level where I could always spot the culprit after a reasonable amount of time. No dead ends. Very enjoyable, so thanks a lot.
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