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Japanese crossword «Pan (god)»

Size: 55x75Picture:8/10Difficulty:7/10Added:29.12.23Author: Big_Angry_Wolf

euro (30 December 2023, 21:13) complain
This god was protector of hunters, fishermen and shepherds with permanent residence in places of nature (mountains, forests, caves, valleys, ravines..)!!!
show: 1 🗨
Happy_Spark (2 January 2024, 6:51) complain
think this post must be under the spoiler
nataliecv (3 January 2024, 9:35) complain
Awesome picture. Thank you
tbturker (30 January 2024, 14:01) complain
Perfect. Thanks.
inali (12 October 2024, 19:32) complain
There was one spot where I eventually used a hint. And was immediately angry at myself because I could have figured that out without help. Overall a nice level of difficulty. And a cool image, still kind of "animal" themed.
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